Elizabeth Keegin Colley

Celebrate Earth Day in Prospect Park

April 20, 2021

Happy Earth Day! On this international day of action and appreciation for the environment, take a look at the activities you can participate in here in Prospect Park to celebrate. 

Give Back to Your Park
This Earth Day, make a commitment to the environment and support Prospect Park: home to Brooklyn’s last remaining forest, only lake and hundreds of species of plants and animals. A pair of generous Prospect Park Alliance supporters, Tom and Jerri Mayer, have made a pledge: they will match all donations up to $30,000, dollar-for-dollar. Give today—and know that your donation will be put to work immediately to protect the park you love.


Volunteer in the Park
On April 22, celebrate Earth Day with Prospect Park Alliance by keeping the park green and vibrant. Pick up a Green + Go Kit packed with garbage bags, trash grabbers and gloves, and help clean the shoreline around the Prospect Park Boathouse. All are welcome, and advance registration is not required.

On April 24 + 25 and beyond, sign up to volunteer in Prospect Park and help keep this essential natural space green and thriving for all of Brooklyn. Register to reserve a Green + Go Kit, complete with trash grabber and garbage bags, to clean the park. Families and elementary-school-aged groups are invited to volunteer during the Junior Volunteer Corps to help rake leaves and prepare the park for spring. 

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Get to Know Nature in the Park
Prospect Park 585 acres are home to a dazzling variety of wildlife. Here on the Prospect Park website, enjoy articles, nature games and activities that bring the Earth Day celebration to you! Make your own paper, learn how to grow a grocery garden, compete in Backyard Bird Bingo, and much more. 
