Hoot and Howloween in Prospect Park
Take a second look at the creatures that crawl around and fly in the park, you may find you like them! Participate in fun activities and experiments that will make your spine tingle at Propect Park Alliance Natureween!
Owl Pellet Dissection 10–1 pm
Participants will have the opportunity to pick apart owl pellets, masses of undigested parts of food that owl species occasionally regurgitate!
Nature Chef’s Surprise! 11 am–12 pm
Our nature chef has some tasty treats for you to try that are delicious, nutritious, and crunchy! Take a nibble and earn a special certificate and boasting button. Learn how this mystery treat is a sustainable alternative protein source that has nutritional benefits.
Bug Explorations 12–1 pm
Participants will explore under logs, leaves and branches and you may come eye to eye with Prospect Park nature’s creepy insect residents!
Mask and Finger Puppet Workshop 10-1 pm
Participants will explore under logs, leaves and branches and you may come eye to eye with an unexpected. Search for Prospect Park’s critters that are often overlooked!