c. Elizabeth Keegin Colley

Open Air Care Connections

Speak with trained Community Health Workers in Prospect Park! Prospect Park Alliance and the NYC Health Department have launched Open Air Care Connections, a pilot program which seeks to remove the stigma around mental healthcare through community health outreach, events and educational programs. Through the pilot, community health workers provided by Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn, will be placed at key locations in the park and embedded into Alliance events and public programs to address mental health needs of our community.

Engage with Community Health Workers to assess social needs and receive direct referrals to find support for emotional health, substance use, physical health, housing, career, education and food-access concerns.

Enjoy an Awe Walk beginning at 12pm at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, along a scenic route to Lookout Hill, and returning to the Audubon Center. Did you know that moments of “awe,” the feeling of wonder and amazement, increases joy, positive social connections and reduces stress? Join the Department of Health and Prospect Park Alliance for a walk in the park to find moments of awe in Brooklyn’s Backyard while improving your health and well-being. Awe Walks are part of Open Air Connections, a pilot program that engages New Yorkers around their mental health and well-being in Prospect Park.

Learn more about health and wellness in Prospect Park.