c. Prospect Park Track Club

Prospect Park Track Club Turkey Trot

Join Prospect Park Track Club for a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot!

One of Brooklyn’s most popular races, this spectacular 5-miler is the perfect way to kick off your holiday season!  The race will be held on Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 28th. This year, Prospect Park Track Club will assign participants into two waves, based on participants’ estimated pace, starting at 8:15am and 9:00am. This year’s race includes the third year of a partnership with the American Indian Community House (AICH) whose mission is to improve and promote the well-being of the American Indian Community and to increase the visibility of American Indian cultures in an urban setting in order to cultivate awareness, understanding and respect.

You may join the later wave to run with others, but you cannot move from the later wave to the earlier. Those wishing to compete for an overall 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place (winners will receive a pie!) must be in the first wave.

Learn more about the event at the Prospect Park Track Club website