30 Years of Prospect Park Alliance

Give Back to Your Park! Donate today to sustain Brooklyn’s Backyard and see your donation doubled.


Prospect Park Alliance was founded in 1987 to sustain, restore, and advance Prospect Park, Brooklyn’s Backyard, in partnership with the City. 30 years later, the Alliance provides a majority of the staff and resources that keep the Park green and vibrant for the diverse communities that call Brooklyn home.

Our work in Prospect Park is just getting started: don’t miss this opportunity to sustain Brooklyn’s Backyard. Thanks to the outpouring of support from the community, we have reached our $100,000 goal, and are now setting our sights on raising $150,000 in donations of any size by December 31, thanks to a second matching gift from the Prospect Park Alliance Board, raising a total of $300,000 for Prospect Park. 

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