Elizabeth Keegin Colley

Prospect Park Alliance Strategic Plan

A Thriving Park for a Thriving Brooklyn

Prospect Park is the landscape of our shared humanity and the great equalizer of Brooklyn. Set in the heart of Brooklyn, our 585 acres welcome people from all backgrounds to come as they are and find a sense of peace and belonging.

Coming out of the global pandemic and other social upheavals of the past decade, Prospect Park has never been more essential to our Brooklyn community. With the decline of stable funding from the City, Prospect Park Alliance’s role as park stewards is critical. 

Since our founding, Prospect Park Alliance has served as a nimble and adaptable nonprofit that provides critical staff and resources to sustain Brooklyn’s Backyard. This strategic plan recognizes these strengths, and also the areas where we need to grow, in order to ensure the future sustainability of the park.

Our strategic plan, A Thriving Park for a Thriving Brooklyn, provides a road map for the Alliance and the park for the next five years. This plan embodies the Alliance’s essential role in a post-pandemic Brooklyn, amplifying our capacity to enrich neighboring communities, unlocking new avenues to ensure the financial future of the park, and strategically prioritizing resources to meet ever-evolving needs. 

The plan is a result of a yearlong process of intensive community engagement, from one-on-one stakeholder meetings to a public survey that provided feedback from nearly 4,500 community members. Through this work, the Alliance has identified four key objectives that we will undertake over the next five years:

  • Fulfill the Park’s Potential as a World-Class Public Space 
  • Boost NYC’s Resilience with a Thriving Landscape
  • Optimize Programs to Champion Community Needs
  • Secure the Financial Future of the Park

The Alliance is dedicated to ensuring a future where the park can thrive and the Alliance’s impact will endure for years to come. We welcome you to join us in this work: become a member or volunteer in your park.

Read our executive summary and full strategic plan.

Executive Summary

Read the Executive Summary of the Alliance’s Strategic Plan.

Full Report

View the full report of the Alliance’s Strategic Plan.

Volunteer in the Park

Lend a hand to your park as a volunteer! The Alliance offers programs for groups, individuals and families.

Become a Member

Your support keeps Prospect Park a vibrant and healthy resource for the whole community—today and into the future.

Join or renew today and receive valuable benefits, free gifts and invitations to exclusive events all year long.