c. Jabari Taylor

Audubon at Home

Enjoy nature games, family-friendly activities and virtual tours from the Prospect Park Audubon Center from the comfort of your own home. The Prospect Park Audubon Center offers free public programming that allows park visitors of all ages to explore the diversity of nature in Brooklyn’s Backyard.

Small Child, Binoculars

Build Your Own Binoculars

Every budding birdwatcher needs their own pair of binoculars! Learn how to make a set with these simple instructions.

6 Ways to Protect Important Bird Areas

Learn how you can help bird populations thrive.

Native Seed Splash

Learn how to make clay spheres of native seeds for easy planting around your neighborhood!

Make Your Own Paper

Learn how recycling works by making your own paper

Save a Bird with a Sticker

Help birds out by making this decorative sticker for your window

Prospect Park Wildlife

Prospect Park is home to creatures great and small—get to know these backyard Brooklynites! From the 200+ species of birds in the park, to the bees and bugs pollinating the plants, to the frogs and fish that swim in the Lake, each creature plays and important part in this thriving ecosystem.

Prospect Park's Woodland Ecosystem: A Live Stream