c. Caroline Ourso

City of Forest Day in Prospect Park

September 20, 2023

Join Prospect Park Alliance at the second annual City of Forest Day on Saturday, October 14 in Prospect Park. Presented by Forest for All NYC in partnership with the Parks and Open Space Partners – NYC Coalition and NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Forest Day is a day of activities across the city to raise awareness of the importance of the New York City urban forest, and the essential role New Yorkers play every day in caring for the “lungs” of our city. Prospect Park Alliance presents an array of activities to raise awareness and celebrate Brooklyn’s forest including nature education programming and a volunteer opportunity in Brooklyn’s Backyard.

Check out the full list of 70+ events happening across New York City!

Prospect Park Events:

Park Pitch In: City of Forest Day
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Free, Registration Required
Join Prospect Park Alliance for a Park Pitch In volunteer event on City of Forest Day, a citywide effort to raise awareness and celebrate New York City’s urban forest. Prospect Park Alliance volunteers will plant over 100 native trees to restore Prospect Park’s beloved landscape, which has seen the loss of a significant number of ash trees since 2017 due to Emerald Ash Borer, a deadly wood-boring beetle. Tree planting and other greening opportunities will be focused on the park entrance on Flatbush Avenue near Empire Boulevard, adjacent to the park’s Children’s Corner, and the surrounding park perimeter. This event is suitable for groups, teens and adults.

Park Pitch In: City of Forest Day is made possible thanks to funding from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Urban and Community Forestry Program, NYS Environmental Protection Fund and the USDA Forest Service.

City of Forest Day: Nature Exploration
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Free, no advance registration necessary

Join Prospect Park Alliance and Audubon New York for nature exploration activities at the Prospect Park Audubon Center on City of Forest Day, a citywide effort to raise awareness and celebrate New York City’s urban forest. Prospect Park is home to over 30,000 trees of more than 175 species. Each of these trees is an important part of our thriving wildlife habitat and home to many species of mammals, birds and bugs.

  • Morning Bird Walk, 9 – 10:30 am: Join Audubon New York for a bird walk starting and ending at the Prospect Park Audubon Center. This program leaves the Audubon Center promptly at 9:00 am. Binoculars will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring binoculars if you have them.
  • Nature Around Us, 10 am – 1 pm: Enjoy different seasonal discovery stations and nature themed activities that will introduce you to the plants, insects and animals that call the park home. Learn how to use the iNaturalist App and identify species throughout our park ecosystem, view a trailer of a new documentary Clear Day Thunder: Rescuing the American Chestnut, and more. Plus, visit the Audubon New York table from 10:30 am – 12 pm to learn more about birds and how to help them thrive.
  • Animal Encounter, 11 am – 12 pm: Join Prospect Park Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 11 am.
  • Family Nature Walk, 12 – 1 pm: Prospect Park is a stopping point for hundreds of bird species each year! Join us as we search for these amazing creatures and other nature around the park. Binoculars and bird guides are provided. This program leaves the Audubon Center promptly at 12 pm.
c. Martin Seck

September is Tree Appreciation Month!

September 6, 2023

September has arrived and Prospect Park Alliance is ringing in Tree Appreciation Month!

Be a Park Champion and help us extend our Summer of Stewardship into the fall. Prospect Park is home to over 30,000 trees of over 175 varieties—and each plays an essential role in keeping our human and wildlife communities healthy and happy. Take a look at some of the ways you can help celebrate and support the beloved trees of Brooklyn’s Backyard this season:

  • Remember to #BeAParkChampion: While the park’s trees may appear big and strong, like all living things they are susceptible to injury and disease. With over 10 million visitors in the park each year, the trees in Prospect Park need all of our support. Please do not hang hammocks or decorations from our trees, and avoid climbing or breaking branches. Remember to also stay on designated paths in the woodlands to protect fragile wildlife habitats to help our trees thrive for generations to come!
  • Fall Volunteering in the Park: Want to take a hands-on approach to caring for the park and its trees? Prospect Park Alliance has a full slate of fall volunteer opportunities. From our weekend Park Pitch In events to Junior Volunteer Corps for kids and families, there are many ways to lend a hand in your park. Plus, mark your calendars for City of Forest Day to celebrate NYC’s urban forest on Saturday, October 14!
  • Soar Into Fall Migration: Wonder what makes Prospect Park the best bed and breakfast in town for migrating birds in the fall months? Learn about the trees that provide birds with essential fuel and protection as they make their journey to warmer climates and learn about bird watching opportunities with the Brooklyn Bird Club.
  • Enjoy the Health Benefits of Nature: Get active outdoors in Prospect Park by taking part in one of the many free wellness opportunities offered this fall, from nature walks for adults ages 60+ and a fun-filled pop dance class, there is something for everyone to get active this season. 

Want to invite friends and family to join the fun? Send an Rx for Nature Today!

Soar Into Fall Migration in Brooklyn’s Backyard

Fall bird migration is in full swing, and Prospect Park is the place to be. Located along the Atlantic Flyway, Prospect Park is a haven for birds in all seasons, with 200+ species of resident and migratory birds. Autumn is an especially notable time for bird sightings as countless feathered friends embark on their lengthy journey to warmer climates. The park is a crucial rest stop for these species thanks to the 585 acres of green space and 30,000 trees of more than 175 species which allow migratory birds to fuel up on seeds, berries and insects and find valuable protection as they venture south.

As Prospect Park Alliance embarks on Tree Appreciation Month, we’re celebrating the park’s plentiful native trees and the many ways they support the park’s bird population and keep our ecosystem healthy. “Prospect Park’s plentiful Oak trees, Hackberry trees, Eastern Black Cherry trees and Dogwood trees and even a few Willow trees are some of the most essential tree species for migratory birds during this time of year,” shares Prospect Park Alliance’s Senior Forest Ecologist, Howard Goldstein. “These trees support a huge amount of bustling insect and invertebrate life which create the best restaurant in town for migrating birds looking to grab a bite.”

Migratory Northern Parula spotted in Prospect Park.

Northern parula c. Tom Stephenson/Brooklyn Bird Club

One can’t-miss area for those looking to spot these traveling birds in the coming months is Esdale Bridge overlooking Ambergill Falls in the Ravine in Prospect Park. “It’s got everything the birds need: a forest full of native species alongside a water source makes this a valuable migratory haven,” shares Goldstein. “We see plentiful Warblers in the area feeding off of the insects and invertebrates they find in these vegetation areas.”

Migratory fall Warblers spotted in Prospect Park.

Fall warblers spotted in Prospect Park. c. Tom Stephenson / Brooklyn Bird Club

Another must-visit destination for birders is the Butterfly Meadow located on Lookout Hill. The open meadow surrounded by forest in a hilly area of the park makes it an ideal stop for migrating birds. Since the mid-1960’s, volunteers from the Brooklyn Bird Club have collaborated with Prospect Park Alliance to maintain the meadow—removing weeds and invasive plants, and promoting native plant species including diverse wildflowers that attract insects for wildlife and birds.

“The meadow is a lifesaving haven even through winters,” shares Prospect Park Alliance Eco-Zone Gardener Peter Dorosh. “It offers dried flower seeds that feed Goldfinches, White throated sparrows, Kinglets, Woodpeckers and more. The Eastern White pine grove at the east end of the meadow, named affectionately ‘Arleen’s Pines,’ serves as an important winter roost for raptors.”

“There’s no better testament to the importance of Prospect Park’s trees and natural habitat than seeing all of our migratory birds gather the food they need to make the next leg of their difficult journeys to their wintering grounds, which can be as far away as South America,” shares Brooklyn Bird Club Board Member, Tom Stephenson. “The best way to find these birds is to join one of the Brooklyn Bird Club outings and carefully watch any fruiting tree for Swainson’s Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, and examine the understory to spot Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush or Hermit Thrush. Scan the treetops and you might get lucky and spot some of the park’s most brilliant sightings like Northern Parula, Blackburnian or Cape May Warblers.”

As you embark on spotting these migratory birds, remember to be a Park Champion to support the trees, birds and wildlife of Prospect Park during Tree Appreciation Month and all year long:

  • Please do not hang hammocks or decorations from our trees, and avoid climbing or breaking branches: this damages the tree bark and can make trees susceptible to disease.
  • Please stay on designated paths in the woodlands to protect fragile wildlife habitats, and make sure to dispose of your trash properly. This will help our trees grow for generations to come.

Learn about bird watching opportunities with the Brooklyn Bird Club in Prospect Park including weekly Introduction to Birdwatching Outings on Saturdays throughout the fall and First-Sunday Birdwatching Outings on the first Sunday of every month during this exciting migratory season.

c. Jordan Rathkopf

Free Fall Wellness Opportunities in Prospect Park

Ever wonder what exactly it is about a walk in the park that makes you feel more at ease? Spending time in nature, green spaces, and specifically forests have known positive impacts on mental and physical health, and the benefits don’t stop at stress reduction alone. Research shows that being in nature can improve focus, lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, boost your immune system, accelerate recovery from illness, and increase energy levels.

This fall, put wellness first and enjoy fun opportunities to get active and explore your park with a variety of free wellness opportunities for all ages:

Free Fitness Walks in Prospect Park for Adults Ages 60+
Tuesdays, September 12, 19 + 26, RSVP Required: prospectpark.org/FreeFitnessWalks
Locations Vary
Join Prospect Park Alliance and Heights and Hills for three group walks in Prospect Park for adults ages 60 and over. Center Director Matt Abrams and members of the center will explore the park while discussing the importance of exercise and movement for adults over 60, particularly for people experiencing arthritis. Participants will receive guidance on developing their own personal walking and exercise programs.

Nature Exploration Family Nature Walks
Saturdays + Sundays, September – November
Prospect Park Boathouse + Audubon Center
Visit the Prospect Park Audubon Center for Nature Exploration on weekends to enjoy nature education activities including a family nature walk where all ages can explore the park and search for the many species of wildlife that call the park home.

Upbeat Pop! Dance Fitness at the Boathouse
Saturdays, August – February
Prospect Park Boathouse + Audubon Center
Join Prospect Park Alliance and Shape-up NYC for a 45-minute dance fitness class! Come prepared to shake, roll, grapevine, and clap to your favorite upbeat pop songs. We will use this time to cultivate joy and silliness while getting a great workout and reaping the benefits of cardiovascular fitness. All levels are welcomed and encouraged. Whether you want to learn some new choreography or need a space to step-touch and sing, this class is for you!

Take a Fall Foliage Walk or Run
Prospect Park’s fall hues will soon be in full swing! Prospect Park offers miles of roadway and paths to explore and take in the change of seasons.  Visit our Running and Walking hub for information about Running Clubs, itineraries for seeing the park on-the-go, and much more.


Want to invite friends and family to join the fun and learn about the health benefits of nature? Send an Rx for Nature Today!

Nature Exploration

June 6, 2023

Join Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

Nature Around Us, 12–3 pm:  Enjoy different seasonal discovery stations and nature themed activities that will introduce you to the plants, insects and animals that call the park home.

    • June: Discover how nature recycles by learning about the fascinating cycle of decomposition in our urban forest.
    • July: Get to know pollinators and find out why they are so important and why they need our help.
    • August – Labor Day:  The Lake and Lullwater are home to many plants and animals. Help us to test the water quality and investigate pond samples that are filled with living organisms.

Animal Encounter, 2–3 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 2 pm.

Family Bird Walk, 3–4 pm: Prospect Park is a stopping point for hundreds of bird species each year! Join us as we search for these amazing creatures and other nature around the park. Binoculars and bird guides are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 3 pm.

Martin Seck

Nature Exploration

May 18, 2023

Join Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

Nature Around Us, 12–3 pm:  Enjoy different seasonal discovery stations and nature themed activities that will introduce you to the plants, insects and animals that call the park home.

    • June: Discover how nature recycles by learning about the fascinating cycle of decomposition in our urban forest.
    • July: Get to know pollinators and find out why they are so important and why they need our help.
    • August – Labor Day:  The Lake and Lullwater are home to many plants and animals. Help us to test the water quality and investigate pond samples that are filled with living organisms.

Animal Encounter, 2–3 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 2 pm.

Family Bird Walk, 3–4 pm: Prospect Park is a stopping point for hundreds of bird species each year! Join us as we search for these amazing creatures and other nature around the park. Binoculars and bird guides are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 3 pm.

Martin Seck

Nature Exploration

April 19, 2023

Join the Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

  • Discovery Pack, 10 am–12 pm: Explore nature on your own with Discovery Packs,  backpacks filled with nature activities and exploration tools that are perfect for families and kids who want to interact with the park in a whole new way!
  • Animal Encounter, 11 am–12 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 11 am.
  • Nature’s Helpers, 12–1 pm: Help do your part to keep Prospect Park healthy by cleaning up the lakeshore. In this citizen science activity, Audubon staff will guide groups to remove litter and record the findings. Fun for all ages and all materials are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 12 pm.
Martin Seck

Nature Exploration

Join Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

  • Discovery Pack, 12–3 pm: Explore nature on your own with Discovery Packs,  backpacks filled with nature activities and exploration tools that are perfect for families and kids who want to interact with the park in a whole new way!
  • Animal Encounter, 2–3 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 2 pm.
  • Family Bird Walk, 3 – 4 pm: Prospect Park is a stopping point for hundreds of bird species each year! Join us as we search for these amazing creatures and other nature around the park. Binoculars and bird guides are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 3 pm.
c. Martin Seck

Experience a Prospect Park Soundwalk

June 8, 2022

Did you know deep, resonant sound can be heard inside trees, among the roots of plants, in shifting soils, in streambeds, rivers, and even in mud–and that the sounds of the subway and airplanes can be heard in the soils of our local parks? From May 14, 2022 – May 2023, experience the sounds of Prospect Park in a new immersive way with artist Nikki Lindt’s the Underground Sound Project, a Soundwalk.

The Underground Sound Project is an interactive public art installation in partnership with Prospect Park Alliance, NYC Parks, USDA Forest Service, and The Nature of Cities based on a series of underground acoustic recordings made by Lindt. The soundwalk begins along a wooded trail, starting at a trailhead by Dog Beach. The recordings were made by placing microphones underground, underwater and even inside trees. Visitors on the soundwalk will experience a stream, a maple tree, the forest floor, wildflowers, and many more park features in a new light. At designated locations along the walk, visitors will be able to experience the corresponding subsurface sounds in a series of one minute videos accessed on The Underground Sound Projects’ interactive website. 

Underground acoustics tell us a lot about the soils beneath us, but also about ourselves. Our human created sounds often affect this subterranean world in unexpected ways. The Underground Sound Project encourages visitors to explore this exciting and mysterious frontier but also asks us to slow down, listen deeply, and by doing so, gain a more intimate view and connection to the expansive world right beneath us.

Learn more about  Prospect Park’s woodlands and waterways as well as Prospect Park Alliance’s work restoring and sustaining woodland areas.

Spring Break at the Prospect Park Audubon Center

March 17, 2022

Enjoy your Spring Break with Prospect Park Alliance from April 15 – April 22. Visit Prospect Park for family-friendly activities at Prospect Park Audubon Center.

Nature Exploration
Thursdays + Fridays 12–4 pm
Prospect Park Audubon Center, Free

Join Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

  • Discovery Pack, 12–3 pm: Come explore nature on your own with our Discovery Packs, a backpack filled with nature activities and exploration tools, perfect for families and kids to interact with the park in a whole new way!
  • Animal Encounter, 2–3 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 2 pm.
  • Family Bird Walk, 3–4 pm: Prospect Park is a stopping point for hundreds of bird species each year! Join us as we search for these amazing creatures and other nature around the park. Binoculars and bird guides are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 3 pm.

Nature Exploration
Saturdays + Sundays, 10 am–1 pm
Prospect Park Audubon Center, Free

Join the Prospect Park Alliance for nature education programs at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.

  • Discovery Pack, 10 am–12 pm: Come explore nature on your own with our Discovery Packs, a backpack filled with nature activities and exploration tools, perfect for families and kids to interact with the park in a whole new way!
  • Animal Encounter, 11 am–12 pm: Join Alliance Naturalists in learning more about the animals in the Audubon Center’s collection. This program starts promptly at 11 am.
  • Nature’s Helpers, 12–1 pm: Help do your part to keep Prospect Park healthy by cleaning up the lakeshore. In this citizen science activity Audubon staff will guide groups to remove litter and record the findings. Fun for all ages and all materials are provided. This program departs from the Audubon Center promptly at 12 pm.